难免会有一些需求需要用到Jdbc, 但是很讨人厌的, 他又要去写 RowMapper
, 非常费劲
本着思考, 这TM都 SpringJdbc
了, 他总不会封装了个寂寞吧, 果然, 找到一个名字很奇怪的 RowMapper
- {@link RowMapper} implementation that converts a row into a new instance
- of the specified mapped target class. The mapped target class must be a
- top-level class and it must have a default or no-arg constructor.
Column values are mapped based on matching the column name as obtained from result set
- meta-data to public setters for the corresponding properties. The names are matched either
- directly or by transforming a name separating the parts with underscores to the same name
- using “camel” case.
Mapping is provided for fields in the target class for many common types, e.g.:
- String, boolean, Boolean, byte, Byte, short, Short, int, Integer, long, Long,
- float, Float, double, Double, BigDecimal, {@code java.util.Date}, etc.
To facilitate mapping between columns and fields that don't have matching names,
- try using column aliases in the SQL statement like “select fname as first_name from customer”.
For 'null' values read from the database, we will attempt to call the setter, but in the case of
- Java primitives, this causes a TypeMismatchException. This class can be configured (using the
- primitivesDefaultedForNullValue property) to trap this exception and use the primitives default value.
- Be aware that if you use the values from the generated bean to update the database the primitive value
- will have been set to the primitive’s default value instead of null.
Please note that this class is designed to provide convenience rather than high performance.
- For best performance, consider using a custom {@link RowMapper} implementation.
- @author Thomas Risberg
- @author Juergen Hoeller
- @since 2.5
- @param
the result type - @see DataClassRowMapper
大致的意思的就是, 不能是内部类, 需要有无参构造函数(Java类默认会有一个无参构造函数, 你覆盖了要补上)
名称对应就行, 或者 数据库(下划线) -> 实体类(驼峰)
有 String, boolean, Boolean, byte, Byte, short, Short, int, Integer, long, Long, float, Float, double, Double, BigDecimal, {@code java.util.Date}, etc 支持啦
值, 会调用 set , 如果希望有基本类型默认值, 可以设置 primitivesDefaultedForNullValue = true, (不过对于这个, 我们好像用的都不是基本类型)
最后就是, 啊巴拉巴拉, 这个不是为了高性能准备的, 如果要高性能你就自己写 RowMapper
emmmm, 其实大部分场景中, 我们对性能并没有那么那么高, 我记得以前有一个问题说是,
厚礼蟹, 这种问题就别问了好吗, 你问我我就是说推荐 MapStruct
, 但是我自己偷偷用 BeanUtils
, 再说了 别人 BeanUtils
借用一个 压测的结果图
有这时间优化一下查询, 如果你的是纯内存操作, 那就建议用MapStruct, 早点下班, 摸摸鱼多好
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唉, 其实这段代码很奇怪, 这就是Java的残疾泛型, 如果Java泛型是存在运行期的情况, 下完全可以用
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用用用, 仅限于基本类型和常用的一些类型, 至于嵌套一些自定义类, 还是自己 RowMapper 或者魔改吧